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Teaching and technology blogroll

There are a number of educators and commentators out there actively writing on education technology and its convergence with teaching and learning.

I have attempted to categorise these blogs but the task is almost impossible. Many of the blogs cannot be placed in neat little boxes as I have done so below. Anyway, blogs and categories will come and go as I update the blogs that I scan through in Google Reader.

Creative Commons License
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.


Technology Guides
All of the technology presentations and support documents are now available from this dedicated page. They cover such areas as blogging, podcasting, photoshop, video processing and comic life.

Photographs from the 2007 Good To Great teaching conference in Singapore and plus some new technology tips.


Digital Photography
Digital Videography
Comic Life
Web 2.0
Blended Learning
Web Presence
Trivantis Lectora
Managing your computer

Web 2.0 Resources

Web 2.0 workshop page
Web 2.0 tools, links & add-ons
Presentations and guides