Delicious screen shot
This evening I updated a couple of my workshop resources that relate to social bookmarking. The two documents are:

As set out in the two documents social bookmarking can be quite useful. Why?

  • Your bookmarks or favourites are backed up on the Internet
  • Your bookmarks follow you regardless of whether you have your own computer with your or not
  • Your bookmarks are readily accessible via mobile devices
  • You can share your bookmarks readily with others
  • You can categorise, tag and organise your bookmarks
  • You can search your bookmarks
  • You can share your bookmarks with others
  • You can set up networks and groups, such as a class of students or a research group, to collaborate on the collation and organisation of the bookmarks
  • You can subscribe or follow the bookmark account of other individuals in a similar discipline to yourself
  • You can integrate your bookmarks into a web site or LMS

I have been endeavouring to update my  own social bookmarks. I prefer Delicious over Diigo. To be honest it is simply just a matter of preference. Diigo is quite powerful and its education account is very good. I manage quite well, however, with Delicious. I noticed today that some of the education groups within the Diigo community have not been active since 2009.

There are some excellent resources and articles out there on the web relating to social bookmarking so I thought I would take the opportunity to list them here tonight.

The tools

