Language Guide ~ Vocabulary

Language Guide Vocabulary

Target group

This web site is targeted at students with English skills at the A1-A2 through to B1 levels of the Council of Europe scale. The learners should be at least capable of both understanding and communicating straightforward information regarding familiar situations in everyday contexts.


This particular page is part of the much larger “Language Guide” web site. It also provides resources for a variety of other languages.

Language Guide, a non-profit organisation in the USA, created the site. The site has a blog and social media representation.

Navigating the web site is easy. Simply select a sub-topic from the main topics listed below and commence the activity.

• Writing
• Numbers
• The Body
• Clothing
• Food
• Animals
• The Nature
• The House
• Miscellaneous
• Transportation
• Geography

The interactive activities are intuitive and easy to complete. Spoken components are clearly dictated. The students may be required to wear headphones if noise is an issue.

Students are able to repeatedly listen to the pronunciation of the words for each concept depicted in the subtopics. They can then engage in a listening or speaking activity.

Farm animals

Lesson idea: Animals: listening and speaking

Objective: Support and reinforce knowledge and understanding of vocabulary relating to the concept of animals.

Prior: The students have already learnt and demonstrated the application of verbs in the English language by completing relevant activities in a text such as English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers and CD-ROM, Chapter 29, Animals.

Duration: Each sub-topic listed below could form the basis of a specific activity during a specific lesson.

Part 1

The students are directed to a class based web page (with which they are familiar) with a link to the following web page to which they browse:

Language Guide: British English

They are then directed to complete the listening and speaking activities in individuals in pairs for the following sub-topics depending on the programme created by the teacher:

Farm animals
Reptiles & Amphibians
Sea Animals

The teacher circulates around the room and checks in on the students’ progress. This is an opportunity for students to check and practice their knowledge.

Part 2

The students revisit and redo some of the activities that they completed in English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers and CD-ROM, Chapter 29, Animals using their newly acquired knowledge.

Part 3

The teacher could also use competitive strategies to test the students by projecting web page on the screen trying some of the following strategies:

Team challenge: students compete in teams to correctly complete the interactive activities
Last student standing: Students eliminated one by one until one students remains.
Random student selection: Student names are selected randomly from a hat and directed to identify the animal or related concept.
• Prizes could be awarded to students.


In some societies or cultures adaptation may be required by the teacher to ensure the content is inclusive and/or not insensitive.