
Desktop iPad Support Apps

Desktop iPad Support Apps

Desktop applications that can enhance and empower your iPad experience include Disk Aid, Handbrake, Reflector and Air Server. Transfer files, convert video & display the iPad.

iPad and the Cloud

iPad and the Cloud

I have updated a number of documents relating to the iPad and accessing the Cloud. The three doucments in question provide guides for Readdle Documents, CloudOn and Google Drive.

Guide to iMovie on the iPad

Guide to iMovie on the iPad

I have updated my guide for iMovie on the iPad. iMovie on the iPad is in many ways a significantly better application than its much larger cousin on the Apple Mac.

Pages Guide

Pages Guide

I gave the guide for Pages a bit of a spruce up and I have uploaded the latest version to this web site. It covers just about everything you may need to know. Pages is quite a good app and if Apple only allowed users to access DropBox for the sharing of files it would(…)

Keynote Guide

Keynote Guide

Created a guide for Keynote on the iPad. It is quite comprehensive and covers just about all the features of the app.

Mountain Tweaks

Mountain Tweaks

After installing Alfred last week I decided it was time to remove the Spotlight icon from the menubar so I did a little research and installed Mountain Tweaks to do the job.