
Alfred productivity app

Alfred productivity app

A couple of keystrokes allows me launch an app, open a file, locate a file and launch a web site. Typing a single letter such as “p” can allow me to rapidly launch Pages or Powerpoint.

iOS6 file upload

iOS6 file upload

One can now upload files to sites on the Internet from within the Safari and Chrome browsers on the iPad following the iOS6 update. Specifically, images hosted in the Photos app.

iPad apps I possess

iPad apps I possess

I regularly conduct iPad workshops in Singapore for the Centre for Excellence in Teaching at Nanyang Technological University and also at the Institute of Adult Learning. As part of that process I wished to share the apps that I presently have installed on my iPad.

Mac OSX Links & Tools

Mac OSX Links & Tools

In support of a Mac workshop I thought I would gather together these resources and links in one place… Mac sites, maintenance, handy apps and installing OS X Lion

Practical WP plug-ins

Practical WP plug-ins

Read a review of four practical Wordpress plug-ins that make the creation and management of a multi-user web site a straightforward process.

iPad Sharing Solutions

iPad Sharing Solutions

Sharing iPad files is challenging. This post shares a number of solutions collected by the author as well as teachers from across the globe.