
Steve Collis #FF

Steve Collis #FF

Steve Collis is our special guest on Friday Follow Twitter Interview this week. Stephen is part of the innovative team at the Northern Beaches Christian School in Sydney.

Sonja Barfoed #FF

Sonja Barfoed #FF

Sonja Barfoed is our special guest this week on Friday Follow Twitter Interview. Sonja is an artist, librarian, urban food gatherer with a fondness for drawing, phrase searching & making book castles.

Dr Jason Fox #FF

Dr Jason Fox #FF

Dr Jason, Fox, an educator devoted to helping people harness the power of game design to boost productivity, influence behaviour and make clever happen, is tonight’s guest on Friday Follow Twitter Interview.

Nick Jackson #FF

Nick Jackson #FF

Nick Jackson is our Friday Follow Twitter Interview guest this evening. Nick is a hard working educator from Yotk, England.

Serena Cheong #FF

Serena Cheong #FF

Serena Chong is our special guest on Friday Follow Twitter Interview tonight. Serena is working within the eLearning field within the Singapore health system. Her work with the physicians and staff of the hospital is quite interesting.

Timo Ilomäki #FF

Timo Ilomäki #FF

Our guest is Timo Ilomäki, a language teacher and student counselor in Voionmaa upper secondary school.