I hired a new editor recently in order to help me to stay on top of my writing commitments. I would like you to meet him. His name is Sootie. I have actually watched this young chap grow up.
He prefers typing on the MacBook although he likes to paw the iPad now and then. The pay rates are above industry standard and even he has an enviable meal allowance and accommodation is provided.
Some of my friends have noted he can look rather severe at times and they were amused that Sootie and I seemingly adopted similar postures. He is an avid reader and prefers novels by Harold Robbins and Ian Fleming, quite different to my own reading preferences.
Sootie would love to hear from you in the comments below if you could spare a moment.
Nov 05, 2011 @ 11:06:36
Hiya Sooty, can you start exercising editorial control over John’s tweets? And heck, start twittering yourself. Lots of things to report about John!
Nov 05, 2011 @ 18:13:54
Hi Sooty
U remind me of my cat Colby, she doesn’t read like you but loves to work the iPad. She also had a beautiful collar like yours but lost it! We are moving house soon and I haven’t told her yet because she will be bothered by it. How do u suggest I break the news?
Nov 05, 2011 @ 19:40:14
Dear Melanie and Colby
How are you? Thank your for the message. Before you move to the new house gather together Colby’s favourite smells (litter, fur, bedding, food, a little poo, a little urine, etc) and take them to the new house and simply dab the scent of your Colby around the new house before Colby arrives. You can collect her smells in small plastic sealable bags and on old pieces of cloth. Take one or two of her old toys to the new house before she arrives as well. That should be psychologically reassuring for Colby when she first investigates the home. Then, see if you can collect some scents or odours from the new house on a towel or cloth and bring them back to your old home to share with Colby so she can get used to them. They are Sootie’s recommendations.
Here are some web sites that Colby can check out as well.
Best wishes, purr, purr, Sootie.
Nov 06, 2011 @ 00:59:53
Hi Sootie,
We’ve never met, but looking at the first photograph, the jumper your Editor-in-Chief is wearing looks suspiciously made from the hide of your predecessor. Seems you’ve got your work cut out for you.