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TESOL Text Book Evaluation

TESOL Text Book Evaluation

The English Vocabulary in Use Elementary textbook will serve as a useful resource for independent learners and teachers wishing to scaffold their ESL classroom.

Evaluating web sites

Evaluating web sites

A simple list of education based web sites with resources and guides relating to web site evaluation.

App Smashing Ideas

App Smashing Ideas

The following links are resources for the App Smashing workshop at the iPads in Education Conference.

iPads in Education Conf

iPads in Education Conf

I am heading up to Sydney today to attend the iPads in Education National Conference. Shall be conducting a couple of presentations on Thursday and Friday.

Crossing the event horizon

Crossing the event horizon

My recent experiences will forever serve as a milestone for me as it was the moment during which I completed the crossing of an event horizon in my career.

Singapore National Academy

Singapore National Academy

I conducted a significant and rather special iPad in Education workshop at the Singapore National Academy in Surabaya, Indonesia, yesterday. I shall never forget this workshop.