
iPad related posts

Full throttle writing

Full throttle writing

Full throttle writing and high speed engagement can be a good start to any lesson. Settling students at the beginning of a lesson can be a challenge. Organisation is the key

iOS6 file upload

iOS6 file upload

One can now upload files to sites on the Internet from within the Safari and Chrome browsers on the iPad following the iOS6 update. Specifically, images hosted in the Photos app.

iPad apps I possess

iPad apps I possess

I regularly conduct iPad workshops in Singapore for the Centre for Excellence in Teaching at Nanyang Technological University and also at the Institute of Adult Learning. As part of that process I wished to share the apps that I presently have installed on my iPad.

iPad Sharing Solutions

iPad Sharing Solutions

Sharing iPad files is challenging. This post shares a number of solutions collected by the author as well as teachers from across the globe.

CELT Workshops

CELT Workshops

This week has seen another series of workshops in Singapore. Topics covered included social media, digital storytelling and the iPad.

Schools take up the iPad

Schools take up the iPad

The Apple iPad has been in the news since the release of the iPad 2 & it is no secret that many forward thinking schools & educators are investing in the device.